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Call for research grant proposals 2025

The International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) and Institute of Knowledge Integration (IKI) invite scholars and researchers from the post-Soviet countries to submit research proposals that aim to integrate the Qur’anic worldview and Islamic value framework into the analysis of a variety of socio-religious studies. Proposals from multidisciplinary research groups for integrating the Qur'anic worldview into phenomenal studies are highly anticipated.

We are particularly interested in receiving proposals in such research areas as:

• Epistemology and Integration of Knowledge from an Islamic perspective
• Renewal of Islamic Thought
• New Methodologies in the Study of the Qur’an and Sunnah
Maqāsid al-Sharī`ah, Ethics and Public Policy
• Islamic Psychology, Spirituality and Literary Criticism
• Reform of Islamic Education
• Integration of the Qur’anic worldview in social sciences and humanities
• Islamic History and Civilization
• Islamic Art and Culture

IIIT and IKI award three types of grants to support research and writing by individual scholars and research teams.

The first type is a 6-month grant to produce a publishable short paper (6,000-8,000 words). The amount of this grant is $500.

The second type is also a 6-month grant but to produce a longer publishable paper (10,000-16,000 words). The amount of this grant is $1,000.

The third type is a one-year grant to produce a research book (starting from 40,000 words) or a textbook for Muslim educational institutions in the region that integrate the Qur’anic worldview into the discipline. The amount of this grant is $3,000.

In the case of the multidisciplinary research group projects for integrating the Qur'anic worldview into phenomenal studies, the grant amount will be decided based on the scope and nature of the application.

The primary language for papers and books is Russian, although the native languages of the post-Soviet countries can be considered in exceptional cases.

Eligibility to Apply

Scholars and researchers must be from post-Soviet countries and have at least a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree or its equivalent in Islamic studies, law, arts, humanities, and social sciences. In exceptional cases, senior PhD students may also apply.


Applications are to be submitted online or by email to [email protected] and will be reviewed by a IKI Research Committee twice a year: by 15th March and 15th September.

The full application must contain the following:
• Completed application form.
• Proposal (not longer than 3 pages) which includes: a description of the project, statement of the research problem, research aims and questions, originality and significance, relevance to the mission and vision of IKI, timeline for completion, and proposed outcome(s).
• Academic CV (max. 5 pages).
• A sample of research text (paper or book chapter).

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Policies and guidelines for research grants

Apply now 2025 APPLICATION AND REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN Last day for the submission of application: March 15