On 15 September in the framework of IIIT lectures series for CIS countries a lecture "Interaction of Sufism, Hanafi fiqh and Hadith in the 10th century in Bukhara" was held by Zafar Najmiddinov (Uzbekistan).

During the lecture Zafar Najmiddinov told that in Islamic source studies the period of Central Asia up to the end of the Somoniar period is considered understudied. Sources on fiqh introduced into the scientific turnover in recent years show that this period played a major role in the formation of the Hanafi school of law. We know the names of at least three authors who lived in Bukhara in the second half of the 10th century. They are Abu Bakr al-Kalabazi, Yahya al-Zandawisati and Abu Zayd al-Dabusi. 

The lecturer focused on one of the most prominent authors, Muhammad ibn al-Fadl al-Kamari.  According to preliminary research, the issues of Islamic law, hadith and Sufism were discussed in their works without separating from each other; this is a characteristic of Central Asian scholars.

More than 30 participants from Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Georgia registered for the lecture. During the lecture, participants were also interested in the history of Bukhara and modern research of that time.  The participants were also thankful for the detailed lecture about one of the scholars who contributed to Islamic thought. 

The lecture can be viewed in a recording on the Institute Of Knowledge Integration YouTube channel at the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Omph1OgNG94.