ITKI 6104 Islamic Education

This course introduces the Islamic concept of education based on the Islamic worldview and philosophy. It starts with its historical perspective and foundations highlighting the Islamic concept of knowledge (ʿIlm) and knowledge acquisition. It further discusses the aims and objectives of Islamic education focusing on the moral development and balanced growth of the personality of the individuals that are necessary to make them beneficial for the society and help them achieve success in this world and the hereafter. Furthermore, the course emphasizes the importance and the role of the teacher as a Murabbi, who nurtures and leads a life of learning through a virtuous character. It continues by drawing attention to the significance of early education where children are nurtured to realize the relevance of the concepts of Tawhid (unification of God) and Taqwa (God-consciousness) in their lives, along with developing their potential for growing into Insān Kāmil (the perfect human being), highlighting the importance of critical and creative thinking. Lastly, the course deals with responses and approaches to the contemporary challenges faced by Islamic education, from curriculum development to responses to globalization, to developing strategies that cater to new trends such as online learning.