This course is designed to correctly explain the God's wise objectives in Shariah law (Islamic law) which are meant to benefit human beings. Moreover, in this course, students will realize the direct and constant connection between the Text of Shariah and contemporary realities.
This course deals specifically with the doctrine of Maqasid al-Shariah: (Shariah objectives) its meaning, history and relationship with usul al-fiqh. It also provides an overall view of the question of ta’leel (ratiocination/causation) qiyas and its special and logical significance for the rise of the doctrine of Maqasid al-Shariah. Besides, the course sheds light on the methods of discovering and confirming the Shará‛ah objectives. It equally looks into the possibility of employing the methods of modern social sciences in the study of Maqasid al-Shariah as a means to invigorate the Maqasid-based Ijtihad in the various domains of Islamic jurisprudence. Similarly, the course examines in some detail the thesis advocating Maqasid al-Shariah as an independent and self-contained discipline based on well-established and certain principles.
The lecturer's approach in this course is to make the learning process more interesting with comfortable environment where interaction, comments, discussions are very much welcomed.